domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

The Doctor is in. Spoilers! ( see what I did there)

I am going to take this important day to talk about one of the important things in my life. I've talked about Papa, Momma, Baby (Toddler) and now I am going to talk about....Doctor Who (insert impressive music here. If you are a Whovian, insert intro music).

I am fairly recent Whovian. I am actually a converted Whovian. Who did the amazing job? Papa, well it did not take him much for me to become a fan, but it was all him.

Ever since we got Netflix ( before Emilia was born) we've been glued to it discovering and re-discovering new options of TV and movies. Papa also got a new habit, once I say good night, turn the light off and close my eyes he turns to Netflix and watches everything he knows I'll refuse to watch. When he finds something interesting he stops watching and asks me to join him because he thinks it might be something we can share. That was not the case with Doctor Who. 

My first encounter with The Doctor was not with the Doctor himself, it was with the Daleks. Last November, after I closed my eyes I would hear on my sleep "Exterminate, Exterminate!" I would also get up ask Papa to turn down the volume because those voices were creepy and were giving me bad dreams. All through November I heard weird voices on my sleep and I knew it was him watching Doctor Who. 

On December I had a cold that turned into a horrible cough and that cough stayed with me well into the new year ( I remember that because my neighbour "the slut" complained that I coughed like Shrek (have you heard Shrek cough) and that would keep her up at night, that I should cough in a more ladylike manner). Every night I had horrible cough spells that literally would shake me to my brain and I had to wake up make me some tea with lemon and honey. It was during this nights that I first met The Doctor, 10 to be precisaley. I didn't know at the time but while having tea and calming my cough syrups  I met Madame Pompadour,I witnessed the final goodbye between Rose and 10!  Some other night I witnessed 11 and Amy meeting with Vincent Van Gogh and some other night I saw Amy pregnant in a dream world. I was in front of the TV facing my destiny and my Shreklike coughing did not let me appreciate it. In fact Papa told me "if you are ever going to watch the series with me you better not pay attention" And I didn't.

It was at the beginning of this year when I finally decided that I would give The Doctor a chance. I'm not a Sci-Fi fan, actually, I usually hate it, so I wasn't expecting much from it. I was WRONG!!!!! I am not going to say that in the very minute 9 takes Roses hand and runs away from killing manequins I was hooked. Nope, it took me a little bit more. I was sad at 9's regeneration but I was, much as Rose, confused as what was happening. Thankfully, Netflix allowed me to answer my own questions by reproducing the next episode immediately. 

I was hooked when 10 quoted The Lion King and I was completely addicted by the moment we got to "Satan's Pit" and I heard him scream at the top of his lungs " I BELIEVE IN HER" my eyes filled with tears and I let them pour out because I knew I BELIEVED IN HIM! I found myself THAT invested into this show. Of course it came the moment of Rose dissapearing to Pete's world and my tears came again. After that, along came Martha. I hate her, I really do, She's not Rose. Donna, that's some companion and she gave Rose her place, She is the most important woman in the world. 

But of course, I did not know how deep in my heart was Doctor Who until 10's regeneration. It happened, I knew it was going to happen but still it hurt like nothing else in history of TV has ever hurt. I cried too much, for too long. I found myself at 2 in the morning sobbing incontrollably while Papa gave me tissues. I cried a good half hour after the episode was over. I woke with VERY puffy eyes the next morning. As I type this and I remember " I don't want to go" my eyes fill with tears. Doctor Who had crawled deep into my heart and became a symbol in my believe system. I knew it then when saying goodbye to 10 felt like saying goodbye to a relative.

Along came 11 and with him my rejection. Nope, Matt Smith would never, EVER, be my Doctor (he is not by the way). And suddenly I was crying again, suddenly I was glued to his face every night and suddenly Melody Pond as a baby made me cry and suddenly.....The Ponds were gone and I was once again left in tears in the middle of the night while holding Papas hand and feeling that a part of myself had died. Matt Smith WAS the Doctor ( not mine, 10 is still mine). He was perfect. 

He gave the most beautiful monologue ever created on entertainment history and of course.........I cried. 11 was Amazing.

This November The Doctor is giving the closest thing to a TV induced orgasm. 11 and 10 together. Smith and Tennant on the 50th anniversary. Rose and 10 together again. THANK YOU!!!!

Of course, Moffat can't give joy without taking a few pounds of tears. On June Matt Smith let us all know he is leaving. He won't be 11, the 12th will rise. Me? I was shocked. I was angry, I had barely caught up with the show and they were already taking The Doctor away from me? How dare they? I tried not to dwell on it and tried to ease my pain by re-watching the entire series (from 9 to 11) on Netflix

The feels did not feel strong until today. Today they announced the 12th Doctor. I've decided that Peter Capaldi is OK and I will give him a chance, after all, he IS a Whovian. It wasn't the fact that we know who the next Doctor is what turned on the water faucet in my eyes, it was watching Matt Smith talk about regeneration what did it for me. He said that coming out from regeneration was fun but, he thought, going into regeneration was going to be painful. Well, my friends, that did it, I put my head between my hands and began to sob. I couldn't stop I even asked Papa "What's happening to me?" Because it was right then that I realized I had to say good bye to 11 and my heart pre-broke, it will be completely broken on Christmas this year. 

So, that's the story of how I came to love The Doctor, how I found a symbol in my belief system and how in a peculiar way I found something that gave me a connection with Papa in a whole different level. Doctor Who is cool ( see what I did there?) and I think that being a Whovian is Fantastic! (see? Again?)

So, Allon-sy ( wink) and on with the show that I know the regeneration will leave me in tears for hours and I know that 12th won't cover my expectations, at first, but I know that by the 4th episode of series 8 I will be in tears once again thanking the Gods of  the Time Lords for having sent me this amazing piece of pop culture into my life. 

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