miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

A Home is not a Home....

When it`s time for Home Office with a "sick" toddler to take care of. How did I end up like this you ask? Well, it all began on Sunday when Pappa,me and my father took the baby to Disney On Ice: Princess Edition. It's not called that but it should because it's all about the princesses. My daughter is only into Rapunzel but she loved the show anyway. She loved it and ate popcorn like there was no tomorrow. Once the show was over we went for lunch and she ate some spaghetti and ice-cream. When We got home she had more popcorn (left from the show) and dinner. She over ate and I was waiting for a night full of vomit and screams, but it never came. 

On Monday me and Pappa went to pick Emilia up from daycare and she came out dressed with a completely different outfit from the one she was wearing that morning. The teacher told us that she had thrown up and they had changed her. I knew she had thrown up because of the over eating from the weekend; it had happened before: she ate like a pig and she would throw up, she'd scream and cry and then forget everything and go on with her life like always.

This time things were not like that. We came home and she threw up again, she was whiny and lethargic. She had a fever, a fever that wasn't too high but refused to go down so, on Tuesday, she stayed home just in case the fever would be back. 

The fever never, ever showed it's face again. I was happy but then.....Emilia realized she had skipped school and momma and pappa were home all for herself. She was like a wild animal, screaming, throwing things around the TV room, throwing fits, asking us to play with her. All that while we both had very urgent and important work to do.

I had to finish a stupid excel report for my boss (who is my father by the way) and it was HUGE!!!!! Worst thing was that 1.- I do not know one thing about using Excel. I'm a beginner and formulas and shit are not on my resume yet. 

2.- I had no idea what all the data I was gathering was all about. It was somebody else's report and I was doing it for reasons that are too long to explain to even bother. 

I spent the whole day doing that horrible thing with a screaming baby and a Pappa that had a crisis of his own. The server in which the office software and system are connected suddenly got disconnected. Why? No one knew, all he knew is that he had at least 30 people on an office not working because system was down. 

So, we left the baby by herself, she was no longer throwing up and we had purchased her a new DVD (Alvin and the Chipmunks), she was supposed to be all set, but she wasn't she had one of the worst days of her life when it comes to temper and tantrums and being needy and hunger. I only got off my computer for two things: Make some soup for the baby and Going to my nutriologist appointment where, by the way, was told I gained 1 pound. 

Pappa and Momma did not eat shit until 6 pm (like 2 chicken wings each) and I did not finish my report until 7 at night, a little after Pappa and the baby took a shower to calm her down (it did not work, in case you were wondering) I finished, sent it to the boss and I finally lay down in bed while an all wet baby jumped on my stomach waiting for sleepyness to arrive (it didn't we had to take her to her crib while she was awake and screaming).

Pappa never solved his problem and all defeated sat down in front of the computer while he hoped that Dell techs in Texas had enough abilities to solve the problem before today. They didn't, in case you were wondering, it was solved until noon today. 

Anyway, while I laid in bed getting all caught up with my gossip of the day, royal baby and Amanda Bynes break down, I had The Big Bang Theory as background noise to keep me company. After a long day, where I realized how horribly bad I am at Excel and spread sheets, where my daughter was in time out 3 times, and 3 times grounded with no TV (she is not even 2!!!!!!!!) the fact that Penny was taking a History course on Pasadena's Community College caught my attention. I miss school, I really do.

I've said countless times that if I could I would go back to school in a heartbeat. I've wanted to certified myself as an English (language) teacher for a while because that requires studying and it's affordable but I've also said that I would love to go for another major or masters degree but I can not afford it, money and time wise. 

So, when I looked at Penny, being able to walk into a community college and take a course I felt a pang of jelousy, I was jelous of Penny of The Big Bang Theory. The day had really gotten to me but not enought to break me. I got online to find free online courses and to make the story short: Momma is getting a major on English Literature!!!

I am going back to school (not in real space, school) and Pappa was so inspired by my excitement that he enrolled and is getting a History major. Today we began our first classes and it seems to do wonders for both of us. 

In the end a bad day did not kill that spark in me, that spark that every now and then screams at me that I need to learn new stuff, that I need to study, that I need to be creative. HOME OFFICE DID NOT KILL MY LEARNING SPARK!!!!!!! 

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!

I'll keep you posted because what I studied today was really hard!!!!!!! 

Until Next Time

-Nighttime Momma

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